Advance your career in 2025, through training, RPL, education and certification. This ensures a more rewarding career and a more secure future.
- Take additional steps, in addition to doing well in your day-to-day work.
- You may decide to make a career change at any time. Just be sure to do a thorough research first.
- If you decide to start your own business, do your research. Also, know the risks involved before starting.
How to advance your career
- One of the best ways is through additional training and by taking additional courses. Also, short courses, seminars, online certification tests. And possibly a certificate, diploma or degree.
- It is always an excellent idea to take additional courses.
- Update your skills and knowledge through additional training and education. This also enhances your resume. And this can help with getting a higher salary.
- Another method is to study by distance education. Make sure the online distance education program that you choose is accredited.
- Explore all the possibilities with your current employer. Talk to your boss. Let everyone know you are interested in advancement and promotion. Also raise your hand so everyone notices you.
- Your network is vital. Build and maintain your contact network. Maintain contact by having coffee with one of your contacts at least once a month.
- Always keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities.
- Start planning your next move as soon as you realize that you have a dead-end job. Things may change with time, or your boss might get fired or may resign. But you can’t count on that.
- Consider relocating, if you can, especially if it will help. Sometimes, certification tests are necessary to secure a job overseas.
More tips
- Plan for short- and long-term objectives. The better you plan, the better your chances will be.
- Review your progress with yourself and also discuss with your boss every 3 months.
- Many companies will pay for additional training and education. As long as you obtain approval before you enroll. Sometimes, they also require a certain grade.
- Always have an up-to-date resume and cover letter. Also prepare for job interviews.
- Also see my salary negotiation coaching and check out my article on salary requirements and how to answer “what is your expected salary?”
- Always know what you are worth in the job market.
- Check out different sectors within your industry.
- Explore programs such as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
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