Proof writing

Proof writing is a vital part of the writing process, to ensure your document has a professional image. You’d be surprised at the number of documents that contain incorrect spelling and incorrect grammar.Proof writing

So even if you are the most qualified applicant, if your resume or job application contains spelling or grammar mistakes, you will be eliminated. So always proof write or have someone proof write for you.

  • The overall appearance of your document is very important, so ensure there is adequate white space.
  • Also ensure your document has no grammar, spelling or structural mistakes.
  • Ensure you have the best presentation to achieve the perfect outcome.
  • With online job applications, you also need to check your grammar and spelling. Also fill in all the required fields perfectly.
  • Also, check out my salary negotiation tips for women and men.

Proof writing services include:

  • I help with all your proof writing requirements, including web sites, resumes, CVs, cover letters, selection criteria, business letters, memos. In addition to reports, advertisements, presentations, contracts, technical reports, application forms and thank you letters.
  • Also, I offer quick turnarounds for all my services. Please let me know your requirement and I will work with you to meet your deadline.

Also, see my counteroffer letter and what is your expected salary.

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Based in Sydney, NSW, Australia.
