Resume posting online

Resume posting online is done quickly and easily. You can post your resume online on hundreds of sites, as this will make it easy for employers and recruiters to find you. However, before you do so, read the full article below.

Resume posting online

Resume posting online tips

  • Start posting your resume with the more popular sites to get as much exposure as possible.
  • There are services that post your resume for you, if you don’t have time to do so yourself.
  • With some services you can fill in your own information and details to create a resume. But it is safer and easier to upload your own resume.
  • Resume blasting services distribute your resume to 1000s of online job sites, employers, hiring agents, employers and recruiter, across many locations and industries.
  • When posting your resume, your resume needs to be optimized for specific keywords that employers and recruiters search for. You can use your existing resume. Some sites have an online template to upload your resume onto.
  • Don’t include all of your contact name and address when you post your resume online. Replace with “confidential resume”.
  • Make sure you always update your online resume. The same rules apply to your online resume as your regular resume.

More important tips

  • If you currently have a job, your current boss may see your resume online. Also, they may receive it if you use resume distribution services and realize that you are looking for a job! To avoid this don’t include the name of your current employer and in the body of your resume or cover letter avoid any words or descriptions that would identify you to your employer. Also, don’t use a work email or an email that identifies you to your current employer.
  • If your resume isn’t up to scratch, then you will be wasting your time!
  • So, before you post your resume online and before you start your job search, see my professional resume writing services.
  • As posting your resume online will expose you to the whole world, make sure you indicate your geographical preferences and whether you are open to relocation or not.
